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Trading and Community Guide: On the DePerp Decentralized Platform for Rare Resource Trading

Key Roles and Examples


  • Role: The main players engaged in trading resources and strategies on the DePerp market. Their goal is to increase their resources and achieve harmony on the platform.
  • Task: Successfully make trades and protect their positions from unfavorable events.
  • Example: A trader decides to enter a trade on the DePerp rare resources market, anticipating a rise in value. If other players support this market, the trader will profit and improve their standing on the platform.


  • Role: Players who provide protection to other DePerp participants against losses caused by market instability or external threats. They earn rewards for successful insurance.
  • Task: Maintain stability and balance in the market by offering insurance to traders and other players.
  • Example: An insurer notices an imbalance in the DePerp rare resources market and offers insurance to traders, protecting them from potential losses. In return, the insurer receives a commission for their services.


  • Role: Points of interaction between traders and insurers, where the main events on the DePerp platform occur. Markets can be stable or subject to fluctuations depending on player actions.
  • Task: Provide conditions for fair and balanced trading.
  • Example: One of the DePerp markets experiences significant price fluctuations in a key resource. Traders try to capitalize on the situation, while insurers offer their services to reduce participants' risks.


  • Role: Players who analyze the DePerp market and predict possible future scenarios. They help traders and insurers make informed decisions.
  • Task: Provide accurate forecasts and analysis so that other players can effectively manage their assets and risks.
  • Example: An analyst notices early signs of future volatility in the market. He shares this information with traders and insurers, allowing them to prepare for potential fluctuations.


  • Role: Players who monitor the compliance of rules and fairness in trading on the DePerp platform. They ensure that all participants adhere to the established norms.
  • Task: Ensure fairness and transparency in all transactions and interactions on the platform.
  • Example: A smart contract regulates trading as an immutable law. Arbitrators monitor rule compliance and create tools to analyze and identify threats, informing the DePerp community. This helps maintain order and trust on the DePerp platform.

Wisdom of DePerp

Traders: The Art of Creation

  • Wisdom: Just as an artist creates his masterpiece, so does a trader craft on the market. Let your trades be thoughtful and harmonious, for every step affects the greater good.

Insurers: Keepers of Balance

  • Wisdom: As a rock withstands the waves, so must an insurer stand guard over stability. By protecting others, you strengthen harmony and your own power.

Markets: Altars of Interaction

  • Wisdom: The market is a living organism, nourished by the energy of the players. Maintain its balance, and it will reward you with fairness and opportunities.

Analysts: Seers of the Future

  • Wisdom: Vision of the future is not just a gift but a responsibility. Share your insights, and your wisdom will strengthen the entire market.

Arbitrators: Guardians of Honor

  • Wisdom: Honesty and fairness are the foundation of any interaction. By adhering to these principles, you create the conditions for all participants to thrive.

Mechanics and Scenarios of DePerp

1. Collective Strategic Hedging

  • Description: A group of traders and insurers collaborate to create and implement a joint hedging strategy against expected volatility in one of the key markets. By participating in the campaign, players reduce their risks and receive rewards for coordinated actions.
  • Example: Anticipating sharp fluctuations in the energy market, a group of traders and insurers develops a collective hedging strategy, distributing their assets and obligations. Their joint efforts minimize losses and capitalize on volatility.

2. Market Stabilization Alliance

  • Description: Players form an alliance to stabilize a key DePerp market that is under threat from external factors or the actions of individual players. Joint stabilization efforts lead to restoring balance and rewarding all participants.
  • Example: The main grain market becomes the target of manipulation, causing sharp price fluctuations. Players form an alliance to buy up surplus resources and sell them to stabilize the market. Their actions prevent a crisis, the market returns to normal, and hedging allows them to profit from the situation.

3. Joint Investment Campaign

  • Description: Traders unite for collective investments in a promising asset or market that requires significant resources to grow. Collective investments allow them to achieve scale and profits that would be difficult to attain individually.
  • Example: An opportunity arises to invest in the exotic resources market, requiring significant investments. A group of traders decides to pool their resources to acquire a large share of assets, leading to substantial profits from rising prices for all campaign participants.

4. Newcomer Support Campaign

  • Description: Experienced traders and insurers team up to help new players get acquainted with the DePerp platform. They organize a campaign in which newcomers receive resources, training, and support, contributing to their successful integration into the game.
  • Example: A group of experienced traders notices that newcomers are struggling in the technology market. They organize a campaign to provide them with starter resources and consultations. This helps the newcomers get up to speed faster, and the experienced players receive bonuses for supporting the community.

5. Anti-Manipulation Campaign

  • Description: Players join forces to counter market manipulation attempts by one or more players. Their coordinated actions help restore fairness and prevent negative consequences for the entire platform.
  • Example: A trader tries to monopolize the rare metals market by creating an artificial shortage. A group of players organizes a campaign to actively sell resources and lower prices, disrupting the manipulation and returning the market to normal.

6. Co-Creation of a New Market

  • Description: Players unite to create a new market or asset on the DePerp platform. They jointly develop the rules and parameters of the new market, attracting other players and investors.
  • Example: A group of traders and insurers decides to create a market for a new type of digital asset. They develop a contract, conduct a promotional campaign, and attract other players to participate. As a result, the new market quickly grows and brings profit to all participants.

Dynamic Markets

  • Description: Markets on DePerp can change depending on player actions and external factors. This adds an element of unpredictability and requires players to constantly adapt.
  • Example: The rare metals market suddenly becomes unstable due to a global change in demand. Traders need to quickly adapt to the new situation, while insurers offer their services to minimize risks.

Combatting External Threats

  • Description: From time to time, threats representing real market risks (e.g., instability in TradFi markets) appear on the DePerp platform. Players need to band together to overcome these threats.
  • Example: Faced with the threat of a sharp drop in DePerp resource prices, traders can hedge their positions, and insurers can offer coverage. If players successfully overcome the threat, everyone receives rewards, and the market remains stable.

Hedging Tools

  • Description: Insurer players can use special tools to hedge their risks. These tools help reduce losses in the event of unfavorable events on DePerp.
  • Example: If the rare resources market on DePerp becomes unstable, an insurer uses a hedging tool to protect his insurance obligations. This allows him to maintain balance and earn income even in unstable conditions.

Development of Custom Tools

  • Description: Players can create and sell their own tools and strategies for trading on DePerp. These tools can be used by other players, allowing creators to earn additional income.
  • Example: A trader develops a unique indicator that accurately predicts market changes. He sells this tool to other players, earning a share of their profits.

Wisdom of DePerp Mechanics

Collective Trading Campaigns: The Power of Unity

  • Wisdom: There is strength in unity. When minds and hearts come together, no obstacle can stand in your way.

Dynamic Markets: The Art of Adaptation

  • Wisdom: Flexibility and readiness for change lead to true strength. Embrace changes, and they will become your allies.

Combatting External Threats: Courage in the Face of Danger

  • Wisdom: Threats test us and make us stronger. Overcome them with courage, and your efforts will be rewarded.

Hedging Tools: The Shield of Protectors

  • Wisdom: Foresight and protection are the keys to surviving a storm. Guard your strength, and the storm will pass.

Development of Custom Tools: The Art of Creation

  • Wisdom: Create with clarity and wisdom, and your creations will benefit not only you but the entire community.

How to Start Your Journey on DePerp

The Path in DePerp

DePerp is a unique platform where every participant plays a crucial role in maintaining order and harmony in the decentralized world. Here, every step impacts everyone, and each strategy reflects the greater good. By joining DePerp, you become part of an exciting journey where your decisions and actions shape the platform's future.

Steps to Begin

  1. Learn the Roles:

    • Decide who you want to be: a trader, insurer, analyst, or arbiter.
    • Study the tasks and examples of each of these roles to understand which one suits you best.
  2. Familiarize Yourself with the Mechanics:

    • Get acquainted with the various game mechanics, such as collective hedging, market stabilization alliances, and new player support campaigns. Understanding these mechanics will help you navigate the platform and achieve success.
  3. Connect with Other Players:

    • Interact with other DePerp participants. Form alliances, learn from each other, and overcome challenges together.
    • Remember that cooperation and support are key on DePerp, as well as the ability to adapt to changing conditions.
  4. Develop and Apply Strategies:

    • Use your knowledge and resources to develop unique strategies. Be creative but mindful of harmony and balance.
    • Create your own tools and offer them to other participants, earning from their use.
  5. Learn and Grow:

    • There is always something new to learn in the world of DePerp. Keep an eye on the markets, study analysts' forecasts, and refine your skills.
    • Apply the lessons you've learned and share your experiences with the community.


As you embark on your journey in DePerp, remember that every step you take matters. Prosperity comes to those who act thoughtfully and with respect for others. Let your actions be guided by a pursuit of harmony and fairness, and success and recognition will come naturally. Listen to the wisdom of DePerp, collaborate with allies, and your game will be not only enjoyable but also fruitful.

Welcome to the trading world of DePerp — a world where your decisions shape the future!