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Omni Network

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Why DePerp Supports Omni?

DePerp, as a decentralized protocol hub for value exchange, has chosen to support Omni to address critical issues of scalability and liquidity fragmentation.

Scalability and Efficiency:

  • The Problem: Scaling within a single network is often limited by the speed and throughput of the blockchain. This restricts the number of transactions that can be processed and creates bottlenecks in performance.
  • The Omni`s Solution: Omni provides infrastructure that supports various rollup solutions, offering higher network scalability. This allows DePerp to process more transactions and increase throughput without compromising on speed and efficiency.

Solving Liquidity Fragmentation:

  • The Problem: Liquidity spread across different rollups creates challenges for users and limits the ability to quickly and efficiently exchange assets.
  • The Omni`s Solution: Through Omni’s cross-chain functionality, interactions between different blockchains and rollups are simplified. This enables DePerp to consolidate liquidity, creating deeper and more stable markets for its users, thus eliminating issues related to fragmentation.

A Unified Platform for Innovation:

  • The Problem: Developers find it challenging to create and integrate applications that work across multiple rollups due to the complexity and differences in architecture.
  • The Omni`s Solution: A unified development standard based on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) simplifies the process of building decentralized applications and integrating various protocols. This reduces barriers to innovation, helping DePerp to implement new features and improvements faster.

Significance for DePerp

Supporting Omni allows DePerp not only to scale but also to effectively address issues related to liquidity and innovation within the decentralized ecosystem. This strengthens DePerp's position as a leading platform for derivatives trading and value exchange, offering more opportunities for users and developers to interact and grow.

DePerp has achieved its initial goal by supporting the Omni network's private testnet and is now preparing for the mainnet launch. DePerp expects support from all of Omni's strategic partners.